#7ngr Demostration by pictures

Athens Syntagma… people are getting bombarded by cops, water cannon, tear gas, rain, storm.. but are refusing to leave

7 11 2012 Syntagma SK 1

7 11 2012 Syntagma SK 1


Athens big demonstration@7-11-12

Second day of the 48 hour strike in Greece. While in the parliament were voting the new austerity measures, millions of protesters were outside the parliament, demonstrating there indignation against the demolition of the country.

Lots of people had started to gather up in Syntagma square from early afternoon. Until 5 o’clock, time of the official calling, the square was full of people. Despite of the heavy rain the people didn’t leave, making clear of what will follow if the 3rd memorandum passes.


Μεγαλειώδης συγκέντρωση στο Σύνταγμα

This gallery contains 19 photos.

Αθήνα, 07 Νοεμβρίου 2012 Δεύτερη μέρα της 48ωρης γενικής απεργίας. Ημέρα της ψήφισης του πιο σκληρού προγράμματος λιτότητας που έχουν γνωρίσει οι νέες γενιές της χώρας. Ενώ στη βουλή συζητιέται ο προτεινόμενος νόμος, ο οποίος αποτελείται από ένα (!) άρθρο, … Continue reading