10/02/2012 σήμερα στη Λισσαβόνα έγινε συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης για την Ελλάδα

“Solidarity with the Greek people!

Solidarity with the Greek people

Solidarity with the Greek people

In Lisbon, this afternoon, some citizens gathered in front of the Portuguese Parliament (São Bento) in a vigil of solidarity with the Greeks, feeling disgusted by the current humiliations being imposed on them. We can see the Portuguese Police interacting with the participants in a peaceful and cordial atmosphere.


3 comments on “10/02/2012 σήμερα στη Λισσαβόνα έγινε συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης για την Ελλάδα

  1. I’m a portuguese citizen and we also suffering with the EU ditatorship. We, greeks, portuguese and other proud and free people from Europe must fight against the mainstream politics and bureacrats from Brussels.

  2. Sorry for my grammatical mistakes. this is my only comment. We are very angry because many people around the world think that this is citizens` fault, and that people should pay. Pay for what? Except for few the rest of us do not have much money. Ask them to pay. We feel disgust about what is happening.

  3. They want us to be the Hile of europe. Who? All our friends, especially the Germans! I wonder, do you know how much money they owe to HEllAS (GREECE) since world war II? More than 300 billion euro. This not a joke. If you cannot find proofs about it I can give you. European Union has ruined Hella`s economy the last 20 years with the help of their Greek friends-politicians, our beloved traitors. Of course we know that there are others above them and that the rest of the countries will follow, but we are not going to permit it. Democracy, around the world and in Hellas, has nothing to do with the political system our ancestors had. We will restore democracy in Hellas, no matter what. We are not afraid to live poor, but we are not going to live under the 4th Raix.

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